Tag Archives: creative writing

WRITING CONTEST #44: Use the word “BEGUILE” in a sentence

DEADLINE:    March 24

SENTENCE WRITING CONTEST: Every Monday a new, interesting vocabulary word will be posted here, as well as a sentence using that word.

Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box below, using the same word. Yes, you may change the form of the word. Yes, I’ll be the judge. Yes, I am a subjective judge  ( I like clever or funny, I hate bigotry).

The winning sentence will be announced here the following Monday


 SENTENCE TO BEAT:  My bed is constantly beguiling me, coddling and whispering and warming while masking the cold, cold world. 

WINNER Writing Contest #43: Heidi

Congratulations HEIDI ! Your sentence provides a story (which I love) and it completely matches my mood for the morning. I’m either going to need another cup of coffee or your shovel.

Here is Heidi’s #43 winning sentence:

He shoved her into the ground so hard she felt like the hole her body created was for a rebirth, especially when she stood up clenching a shovel and smacked him senseless; a new feeling -freedom- filled her as she walked away.

[Writing Contest #44 is now open]

WRITING CONTEST #43: Use the word “rebirth” in a sentence

DEADLINE:    March 16

SENTENCE WRITING CONTEST: Every Monday a new, interesting vocabulary word will be posted here, as well as a sentence using that word.

Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box below, using the same word. Yes, you may change the form of the word. Yes, I’ll be the judge. Yes, I am a subjective judge  ( I like clever or funny, I hate bigotry).

The winning sentence will be announced here the following Monday


 SENTENCE TO BEAT:  As the earth struggles to push up new shoots and lay down new roots, perhaps it’s the season for a rebirth of thought, a time to bring our words from the winter fog; let the Smart Mouth Writing Contest live again

Writing contest 42: use a form of the word common in a sentence

DEADLINE:    June 24

SENTENCE WRITING CONTEST: Every Monday a new, interesting vocabulary word will be posted here, as well as a sentence using that word.

Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box, using the same word. Yes, you may change the form of the word. Yes, I’ll be the judge. Yes, I am a subjective judge  ( I like clever or funny, I hate bigotry).

The winning sentence will be announced here the following Monda

THIS WEEK’S WORD: ~  common  ~  

 Sentence to beat: She stood in the commons, jostled by the hubbub of the worldly and the ignorant, the slovenly and the pure, the achingly wretched and the innocent.

WRITING CONTEST #40: Use the word “locker” in a sentence

DEADLINE:    June 10th

SENTENCE WRITING CONTEST: Every Monday a new, interesting vocabulary word will be posted here, as well as a sentence using that word.

Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box, using the same word. Yes, you may change the form of the word. Yes, I’ll be the judge. Yes, I am a subjective judge  ( I like clever or funny, I hate bigotry).

The winning sentence will be announced here the following Monday.

THIS WEEK’S WORD: ~ locker ~  

Common definition:  Noun. A lockable closet or compartment; Adjective. He who locks

SENTENCE TO BEAT:  She hid her wedding dress in the meat locker; she hoped the workers would assume the blood spatter was dead cow gore. 

WRITING CONTEST #39: use the word “laundromat” in a sentence

DEADLINE:    June 3rd

SENTENCE WRITING CONTEST: Every Monday a new, interesting vocabulary word will be posted here, as well as a sentence using that word.

Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box, using the same word. Yes, you may change the form of the word. Yes, I’ll be the judge. Yes, I am a subjective judge  ( I like clever or funny, I hate bigotry).

The winning sentence will be announced here the following Monday.

THIS WEEK’S WORD: ~ laundromat ~  

Noun. An establishment with coin-operated washing machines and dryers for public use. Synonyms. Self-service laundry – laundrette – laundry

SENTENCE TO BEAT:  I stiffened as the family van rolled up to the laundromat, knowing the quiet hum of the dryers and the thud-thud-thud of the off-centered washing machines were about to become background noise for a squad of mouth breathers. 

WRITING CONTEST #35: use the word “ooze” in a sentence

DEADLINE:    April 29th

SENTENCE WRITING CONTEST: Every Monday a new, interesting vocabulary word will be posted here, as well as a sentence using that word.

Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box, using the same word. Yes, you may change the form of the word. Yes, I’ll be the judge. Yes, I am a subjective judge  ( I like clever or funny, I hate bigotry).

The winning sentence will be announced here the following Monday.

  THIS WEEK’S WORD: ~ OOZE ~     oozed, oozing, oozalicious


While trying to look gangster he inadvertently oozed Christmas elf.

-excerpt from SMART MOUTH, a novel by Holly Lorincz

Definition:   http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/


WRITING CONTEST #25: use the word “amend”

DEADLINE:    January 28th

SENTENCE WRITING CONTEST: Every Monday a new, interesting vocabulary word will be posted here, as well as a sentence using that word.

Your job is to create and post a new, better sentence in the comment box, using the same word. Yes, you may change the form of the word. Yes, I’ll be the judge. Yes, I am a subjective judge  ( I like clever or funny, I hate bigotry).

The winning sentence will be announced here the following Monday.


Need a simple definition reminder?  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/amend

SENTENCE TO BEAT:    He tried and tried and tried to amend his words, the re-explanations and apologies going on for days, but he couldn’t amend the unfurling of time, the movie-memory looping in her brain.